The loss of someone you love or care for is one of the most difficult parts of life's journey.
It is an honour for me to work with those who are bereaved to plan a funeral ceremony.
I grew up within a family of Funeral Directors and have life-long experience of working with people who are bereaved and those at the end of life.
Throughout my life I have worked with people at times of challenge in their life. I have supported people at times of loss and at times of crisis. I am able to work with confidence and compassion in difficult circumstances.
As a Funeral Celebrant I love to learn about people and their life stories. I will spend time learning about the person who has died to ensure that their funeral that truly reflects them, meets any wishes they may have had and is also meaningful to those attending the ceremony. Each ceremony is as individual as each of us are.
I can conduct ceremonies at Crematorium, Graveside or another venue. The service could be a simple ceremony with time for quiet reflection or a larger gathering with contributions from family and friends.
I can include elements of faith or family traditions.
From the first contact until the end of the ceremony, I will be with you every step of the way.